Every product ever created could tell a story, the people involved, the prototypes, the development the heartache, the launch and the obsolescence. productWIKI combines product descriptions from top suppliers around the world with useful insights, manually added links and key product information. A fast way to research any product past or present.
Ever since early humans fashioned their first tools our thirst for knowledge has allowed increasingly complex products to be imagined and manufactured, often at the expense of forgetting the past. The core aim of the productWIKI project is to catalogue products for all time for all to see where we came from and ultimately where we got to.
Many wikis are a collection of assumed fact, a knowledge base ever evolving through time. productWIKI is a collection of physical reality - knowledge applied in principal in an attempt to better the human race. All our outbound information, links, jargon database and additional features are manually checked before being added to our database. Where possible all information is added to our archive for searching.
Let us dent the universe not by a single action but by billions of innovations that define us as humans Andrew Knight - productWIKI Founder